Tuesday, March 29, 2011

03_25_11 - 03_28_11

Well... the last 3 tunnels lead to 3 more, then 3 more:)  and now I have something that I'm happy with.  So-- now I'm going to make 8 modulating tunnels.  Yeah its a lot less then before.  But quality over quantity.  The tunnels before were one mesh, now they're divided into wall and ceiling section.  This will allow for interchanging of walls and ceilings.  the new sections with have about 4 different wall variations; a standard wall, one that allows for tubes to poke through for added depth and damaged pieces.  Likewise the ceiling piece will follow the same format.  This will add randomization to the environment without lots of landmarks, which will help maintain the maze-like feel.

I would like to thank all those that help me with the tunnels and feedback to get them to this point.  Special thanks to Mark W. at E.S.P. for his time and candid, honest criticism.  It was a welcomed and much needed fresh look on things.

From here, I'll create basic meshes to bring into engine, and then prepare the meshes for mudbox.  Before, I was creating my NRM maps in Maya using projection transfer maps.  The mudbox pipeline is easy to follow and most of my skills from Z bush translate over well.  There is no need to over do these mesh in Maya.  As the final meshes will be exported later from mudbox.

Alright some pics.