Monday, February 28, 2011

02_22_11 - 02_28_11

This week, was more testing and planning for the art side.  I wrote an Art Dev Doc and put it up on the team wiki page to give us some guild lines to follow.  Some of those thing are subject to change as testing occurs, but this will help focus our efforts in the right direction.

The main point was to come up with a world scale to work within and and effective pipeline involving BSP and static meshes.  Both have been resolved, and set in motion.  As for the world scale-- this decision was made based on two factors.  That the default camera height in UDK would not be changed, or not drastically for the players POV.  Second that the monster needed to be able to fit within the walls of the world.  Again the play area is maze like.  My final decision on world scale was based on the theory that the player would be transversing the level alone more often then seeing the monster on screen.  So having the world look good when alone was more important then having an world that could support a larger monster.

Enough text! Next week I'll post pics. of level design and some sewer assets.